A Beacon in my Life


A Beacon in my Life

By Deborah Sharma

I am immersed in the cool beauty of your moonlit eyes
That reflect a knowing understanding so magnetically wise.
Your self-assured face mellowed among wisdom lines,
Indifferent to criticisms, your serene smile shines.

Your emphatic voice composed with soothing,
Unruffling my creases with patient smoothing
You embody enduring strength which I admire
Though I dim the intensity of my own roaring fire.

When I was oblivious to my own lacking need,
There you were taking sympathetic heed,
At first, I fought the urge to completely trust,
Assuming our connection would turn to dust.

I was surprised to learn you valued my best interest,
We both saw a gift in each other in which to invest,
You welcomed my opinion as I expressed with relief,
You listened as I spilled secrets and deep-rooted belief.

Basking in your energy I feel I can cope,
With you I can climb that steep slope,
Instead of trudging with lackluster
I trek in gratitude subduing fluster.

What good fortune to be your friend,
My damaged heart you tried to mend
A cherished confidante reliably loyal,
Holding me back from battles that embroil.

You sensibly reeled me in when I was stubbornly wrong,
Steering me to be tolerantly composed yet solidly strong.
With your sustaining smile supporting my direction,
Tactfully guiding with compassionate correction.

At times I opposed your positive outlook,
When I rebelled and blindingly mistook,
Your well-meaning advice and good intention,
Yet you respected my space without contention.

When I panicked in anxiety assuming the worse,
Your steady words were considerate yet terse,
To draw me into an accurate perspective,
Stabilizing me in an honest introspective.

With a refreshingly pacifying poise,
You detach from tiresome gossipy noise,
And your playful eyes light up with humour
Of one unconcerned with any trivial rumour.

Not as elegant as a swan’s delicate grace,
You are a practical goose giving chase,
With unpretentious forthright attitude,
Your integrity overrules tedious platitude.

By you believing in me, I could succeed,
Unstuck from my loop I could proceed,
Because of the love in me that you see,
By knowing myself I could truly be me.

So though your hair is thinning and graying,
That’s not where you care for attention staying,
For you are at ease in your own contented skin,
Because true natural beauty is deeply within.

- Deborah



 Written with my childhood best friend in mind. We both had our share of problems with our families and our health but she taught me how to continue in spite of them with a grateful and balanced attitude.  Even though a stabilizing force and someone who listened with patience, for my own good, she refused to let me indulge myself with misery, and had a way to compassionately draw me out of it and guide me to see the beauty within and around me. Since then, I have been blessed to have more friends with similar qualities and this poem is also written to honour them.

